
Thursday, January 17, 2013

My Good Shepherd

View of Guatemala and its Volcanos

        I wanted to share a verse that I read today found in Genesis 49:15. This scripture is a blessing Jacob speaks over his son Joseph. He says, "May God, the God before whom my grandfather Abraham and my father, Isaac, walked, the God who has been my shepherd all my life...bless [you]." At the time of this verse, Jacob is on his deathbed and he is blessing the sons of Joseph. Looking back on Jacob's life we see that he went through many seasons of good and bad times. Yet, through it all, he got to know God as his Shepherd.
        This past week I had the blessing to visit my family and friends in New Orleans. It had been about two months since I had not seen them, so it was nice. As much as I enjoyed my time at home, however, I came to realize how my husband and my new family here at Casa Bernabé have become such a great part of my life. I am so happy here now and count it a privilege to be part of this company of people so special to God's heart. 
         Going home always brings up so many memories of past seasons in my life. I remember so many beautiful times with my family, unforgetable moments with my close friends, as well as precious times in ministry with the youth group and the worship team. My heart is full of so much gratitude and joy when I remember those times. And now, I see how God continues to order my steps in the present season of my life. 
        First, I am the wife of an amazing man of God who fears God, loves His Word, loves people, has a heart full of compassion, is extremely intelligent and very handsome! (Looking back at our story I see how it was my heavenly Father who perfectly united us.) Secondly, I look around at the people I am surrounded by and I once again thank God to be part of a community who desire to serve God by serving others. I am privileged to serve side by side my friends; together to establish God's kingdom on earth. Lastly, I see the ministry I am a part of and I see how God is fulfilling my dreams. I have always wanted to serve in a ministry, to work with children, to teach and be part of a worship team. God has granted me this and so much more!
        My prayer today:  Truly, Jesus, you have been my good shepherd. Through my past seasons whether good or bad times, You have seen me through. I think about my future and my heart rests in the fact that you will lead me well. I say yes to Your ways that are so much better than mine. You have proved to be good time and time again. Help me in those moments of testing and trials to trust you. I hold on to your hand, my beautiful Shepherd!

Wanted to put this picture because I just love this man so much!