Some months ago my friends Sara Salguero, Abii Stoltzfuzs and I began a bible study by Beth Moore on the book of James. I remember reading the second verse in the first chapter of James and feeling confused and unable to comprehend its meaning. The verse says, "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds..." (James 1:2). According to Beth Moore, James is telling us to think, reflect, and to esteem the joys available to us whenever we experience various trials. Uh... what!! How in the world can one experience Joy when faced with affliction?
Months went by until a few weeks ago I started to gain a glimpse of the meaning. I have been reading a book by Andy Stanley called Enemies of the Heart. In the book, Andy talks about the four emotions that control us, which are guilt, anger, greed, and jealousy. I really didn't think I struggled with any of these issues. Until I read the book and realized I actually did!
One particular issue God was highlighting in my heart was jealousy. According to Andy Stanley jealously says, "God owes me." It is the belief that God has blessed others but has skipped over me. It is when we tend to focus on the things that we lack as we see so evidently see them in others.
As God began to pour light on this issue I grudgingly accepted yet another sin in my heart that I had to work on and overcome. After struggling with this for a couple of days, God began to show me how I could overcome and deal with jealously. By the third day I felt I had gained some victory with this issue and my heart began to rejoice in the hope I had found to be free from this sin! It was then that I realized something: it is through this wrestling with God and coming to believe in His truths over choosing to believe lies, that fills our heart with Joy! When we fight the good fight of faith, we gain victory, even if it just one step at a time. And that is a reason to celebrate!!